Change For Balance is driven by a sincere passion to inspire people to act for peace, justice and equity. We all deserve the basics, equal opportunity, quality education, nutritious food, a livable wage, and access to health care...everywhere, and for everyone.
Stigma, shame, distrust, discrimination and apathy, are key triggers for social unrest, spread of disease, food deprivation, and environmental devastation. They divide us as human beings. And while it may sound simple enough to share stories of struggle, they are not always easy to tell.
In some parts of the world, it takes courage to raise your voice. Fear of retaliation is real and can mean punishment, abuse, prison and even death. From our travels, life experiences and work on the ground, we have found that when trust, openness, and dialogue take hold, empathy begins.
We find new paths and solutions across the many stories we're so grateful to capture and share. Done well, these stories build community, and support the movements and advocates that create lasting positive change.